Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Logan Nathaniel Lund

Logan Nathaniel Lund was born 8/26 at 8:57 A.M. He was 9 pounds and 10 oz. We ended up doing a scheduled C-Section because he was breech. So far he is a laid back baby that loves to be swaddled and loves his pacifier. The girls are really enjoying their baby brother and helping any chance they can to make sure he is happy.

Here is a song from Lexi and a kiss from Mara to you!


Eliza said...

CONGRATS!!! he was a big one! What a beautiful name! hope you are recovering well. Scheduled c-sections are always better than emergency! ;o) Thinking of you!

OurNotebook said...

Congrats to everyone! Looks like the girls are enjoying their new baby brother. Hope all is well for you! Lots of love heading your way:)

Sarah said...

2 girls + 1 boy = crazy perfection. Congrats & good luck!

Tiff and Chris said...

Congrats-how exicting to have a new little one to kiss on!

Andrea said...

Congrats!!! What a lucky little boy to be born into such a great family!!! I hope you are all doing well it was fun for me to see your pictures - I miss you guys.

Barbie and Craig said...

Dre!!! This is soooo late, but CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy to hear about your little guy! I have been thinking about you so so so much and then BAM, my not-so-stellar brain remembered that you have a blog! I am so thankful YOu blogged about little Logan, because I had no idea he was here! (other than the fact that women aren't pregnant for a year...thank GOODNESS! I figured he had come already!) I was dying to know his name, too...LOVE it! Way better than Kohler ;) ;) ;) I miss you! We should catch up soon!!! Call me if you can! 3.663.1726 :) xoxo