Monday, March 31, 2008


Sarah tagged me so here I go with our answers…
Where did you go on your first date? We went to Mimi’s Café and went and saw X3. ( I didn’t know it was a date at first, until he paid for dinner)

How long have you been together? A little less than two years and we already have a baby!
Who eats more? Depends on what we are eating, but usually Nate does.

Who said I love you first? I told Nate that I loved him first.
Who is taller? Nate
Who sings better? Nate, although I probably sing more often.

Who does the laundry? I do it eventually, unless Nate beats me to it.

Who pays the bills? I pay them, but he makes the money for them.
Who mows the lawn?
We don’t have a lawn.

Who cooks dinner? I love to fix dinner.
Who drives when you are together? He does, unless he is sick, then I do.

Who is more stubborn? I win that hands down.

Whose parents do you see the most? His, definitely!
Who kissed who first? He kissed me, if you ask him he says that I kissed him first.
But I know for a fact he kissed me. Anyone that knows me knows I would never make that kind of move.
Who proposed? He did at Joey’s condo (where he was living at the time)
Who is more sensitive?
We are both sensitive, but I cry more.
Who has more friends? He has a lot of friends, but I talk to mine a lot more.

Who has more siblings? Nate has one more than I do.

Who wears the pants in the family? That depends on the issue.

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